Magic of Photos

The magical pull of photographs

Photographs in the earlier days made for quiet travel buddies. The rectangular piece of photographic paper was a relic of our good times and sweet memories. In the present day scenario however, we have all our memories shoved in clouds. It allows us to access them anywhere and everywhere and in great numbers but does it make up for the physical presence of photographs in our lives?


A photograph hung on the wall of your new apartment or snuck in on a dark corner of your wallet still has the ability to make you ponder over it for a while when your eyes accidentally falls on them. Be it in a cab or while sipping a cup of coffee. They make us smile nostalgically.


There may be space crunch in your new apartment. The walls may not be big enough or there may not be much display space. In that case opt for more creative ways of displaying them, like on fridge or cupboards. If your tenant’s contract forbids you from using nails or adhesive tapes on walls then, opt for magnets. Those wonderful pieces of iron allow you to shift your photographs anytime, anywhere.


Photographs are a sentimental piece of us which has the power to placate and reinstate mental strength when times are tough. Be it a tiny picture of your dog or of your gang hanging out together. They all hold the power of reflection for us to help us go back in time and be in our happy place.


At a time when photographs are abundant thanks to our powerful phones, it is important to wonder if we are taking quality photos that hold the power to make us go back in time. Ten videos of the streets of a new city probably wouldn’t serve much purpose apart from eating up your storage space. So de-clutter your albums by deleting those incessant retakes of group selfies. Keep the ones where you look the best or the one where your best friend looks the funniest. Catching her mid sneeze on a photograph will surely bring back waves of memories and smiles when you gaze at it in a land away from her.


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